Retzlaff, Jon – Commerce, Michigan
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[gallery_bank type=”images” format=”masonry” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort_by=”random” animation_effect=”” album_title=”false” album_id=”372″] Art Reuck is from Pierz, Minnesota. We have limited information on this carver. If you can assist in completing this profile, please submit a request by completing the form …
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[gallery_bank type=”images” format=”masonry” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort_by=”random” animation_effect=”” album_title=”false” album_id=”371″] Fish Decoys Truly American Art (excerpt from Al Reeg’s Flyer) Al Reeg of Bronson Michigan has been carving fish decoys for close to 20 years. He finds it very …
[gallery_bank type=”images” format=”masonry” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort_by=”random” animation_effect=”” album_title=”false” album_id=”370″] Decoys by Ras From Detroit Lakes, MN David carves both collectible and working fish decoys. David Rasmussen is a retired Conservation Officer/Game Warden for the State of Minnesota. He …
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