Slack, Steven Carl – Lake City, Michigan

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Steven Slack born in 1962 and hails from Lake City Michigan.
Steven says “My carvings are simple, but I try to make them look lifelike in shape. I don’t spend allot of time on painting. I would rather carve the figure.
Steven watch his great Uncle George Aho’s work on his carvings when Steven was very young while Steven’s family would visit the Aho family. Steven started make/carving decoys about ten years ago when he made a dozen decoys as he says “Just to see if I could.”  Steven gave most of them away to friends who used them to spear over. The users all said they worked fairly well. Steven carved several different fish and a couple of frogs in his early carving days and the said “I had several people tell me that they looked allot like some of George’s works.”
Only George Aho, Steven’s Great Uncle” was a FISH carver.  Steven went on to say that “I live on the property in Lake City Michigan where George grew up. My family got it from John Aho, Georges’ dad many years ago. George is well known for his works.”

Steven Carl Slack
3510 S. Call Rd
Lake City, Michigan 49651
Information & Photos provided by
Steven Slack

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