Obidzinski, Ziggie – Cottrellvile, Michigan

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Zygmund E. ‘Ziggie’ Obidnizski is from Marine City Lake St. Clair Area of Michigan – Region 6.  He was born in 1936
Ziggie is a perfectionist and goes that extra mile, through the carving and sanding techniques to the balanced lead weight to insure a real swimmer, the assembly of the cut metal fins , glass eyes , extremely well done paint patterns and then clear coated for many years of use. Ziggie offered 4 different color patterns of this particular decoy, the gold scale was a special order and not one of the 4 so very rare as only a couple were painted in this pattern . The Perch was a hot pattern and a proven one, that several who had the opportunity to experience.
Ziggie now is making one of the Best Known & Made Muskie Baits money can buy , special orders have been keeping him from making Ice Decoys that he was Best known for, so for those lucky enough to own any will have some very Scarce Decoys .

6923 River Rd City
Marine City Michigan 48039

Information provided by Gary Miller
Photos and information provide with permission of Dave & Carol eBay ID the_paper_boy.

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