Pesonen, John – Central Upper Peninsula, Area 1, Michigan
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[gallery_bank type=”images” format=”masonry” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort_by=”random” animation_effect=”” album_title=”false” album_id=”351″] Martin Pestrue is an old time carver from Bay City, Michigan and was born in 1884 and passed on in 1953. It appears that he used a SPOT on …
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[gallery_bank type=”images” format=”masonry” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort_by=”random” animation_effect=”” album_title=”false” album_id=”350″] David E. Perkins of Duluth, Minnesota. Born in 1934. David’s decoys have left a style and a mark on the fish decoy world. His very distinct style provides a …
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John Perkins was from Saint Cloud Minnesota and it is believed that he was born in Ogalvie, Minnesota. We have limited information on this carver. If you can assist in completing this profile, please submit a request by completing the …
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