Geiritz, John – Minnesota
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[gallery_bank type=”images” format=”masonry” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort_by=”random” animation_effect=”” album_title=”false” album_id=”152″]Clarence D. Geiselhart Born: May 7, 1919 13 3rd Ave S Long Prairie, Minnesota Todd County 56347 320-732-4304 (information from Public Records and provided by Gary Miller) Vintage Sunfish (Pictures …
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We have no data on this carver. If you can assist in completing this profile, please submit a request by completing the form below.
[gallery_bank type=”images” format=”masonry” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort_by=”random” animation_effect=”” album_title=”false” album_id=”146″] Robert Ganung is from upstate New York. Signs with “JRG” or “RG” or & “JJ” on bottom. ‘J’ is also found on his decoys – Not to be mistaken …
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[gallery_bank type=”images” format=”masonry” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort_by=”random” animation_effect=”” album_title=”false” album_id=”147″] Andrew Gardner is from Bayonet Point, Florida and was born in December 1974. He started carving fish at a very young age. Not for spearing but for the love …
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[gallery_bank type=”images” format=”masonry” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort_by=”random” animation_effect=”” album_title=”false” album_id=”148″] Leo Garza is from Livermore California and has been carving since 1977. He was born in 1933. He carves fish, swans and ducks. His works have sold in San …