Ryan (Rhino) Ebert was first introduced to dark house spearing in 2008 thorough a college friend and his father (Mike Kitt). Ryan did not take up carving his own decoys until early 2013 and learned some from Mike and some from books, online and trial and error.
While Ryan makes normal fish species for decoys he really enjoys making the oddball ones which are whimsical creations. He thinks they are fun to swim and watch fish come into view.
His background in graphic design and photography gives him a different approach to making his decoys.
He primarily uses cedar which he gets locally and some of the metal for fins and lead he has to get online. He started hand painting his decoys but now is learning to airbrush.
He entered in Perham NFDA’s ‘The Gathering” for the first time in 2017 and received three 4th place ribbons in the working class. He is very active with AAEA: Ag Communicators Network and several other southern Wisconsin art associations.
You can contact Ryan at ryan@ebertphoto.com or 608-219-9324
Address is:
831 Whitewaters Ave.
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
Check out his website at: www.ebertphoto.com
Facebook page is at: www.facebook.com/ryanEbertArt