The Great Lakes Fish Decoy Collecting and Carving Association (GLFDCCA) has the goal of collecting, preserving and passing on the tradition of the fish spearing decoy. Since the founding in 1989 GLFDA has worked to keep the art form of the fish decoy alive. While organizing friendly competitions others find a place where people gather together to share common interests, trade decoys, stories and carving techniques. The organization also strongly encourage passing on their passion for fish decoys along to future generations.
- Hometown: Monroe, Michigan
- General Email
- Website
- Facebook
- Address: via email or phone to each officer
- President: Dick Walters (313) 886-7529
- Director of Collecting Division/Co-Founder: Frank Baron (734) 427-7768
- Secretary/Treasurer: Frank Baron/Co-Founder: (734) 427-7768
- Association Librarian: Harold Dickert (231) 780-2508
- Carving Show Chairman: Scott Morrison (304) 483-9849
- Webmaster: Thayne Johnson
- Board Members:
- Jerry (Gerald) Adams (586) 779-4740
- Charlie Hart (586) 469-7542